Allows selecting the best answered reply in a thread.
This add-on is designed to allow either the thread starter or staff to select the best answered reply. Visitors will be able to quickly find the very best answer in the thread.
(Example of Best answered message in thread view)
Example of Options page)
(Example of User group permissions)
This add-on will add a new column called andy_best_answered to the xf_thread table in your database.
Allows selecting the best answered reply in a thread.
This add-on is designed to allow either the thread starter or staff to select the best answered reply. Visitors will be able to quickly find the very best answer in the thread.
(Example of Best answered message in thread view)
Example of Options page)
(Example of User group permissions)
- All phrases start with bestanswered_ for your convenience.
- Go to Options page and select forums to include.
- Go to the User group permissions and set these permissions.
Administrative -> Add remove all -> Yes
Moderating -> Add remove all -> Yes
Registered -> Add remove own -> Yes
Registered -> View -> Yes
Unregistered / Unconfirmed -> View -> Yes
This add-on will add a new column called andy_best_answered to the xf_thread table in your database.
xF2 Add-on in Credit
[XenGenTr] Sabit konular ile normal konuları ayır / Separate fixed topics from regular topics 2.0.0