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v7.11.6 - February 27th, 2024
- SECURITY: Fixed Avada Forms database submissions entries being viewable at contributor user role level by default
- NEW: Added title and description Page Options, to easily set title and description page meta tags and open graph meta tags
- NEW: Added dynamic data options (ACF color) for all color options
- PERFORMANCE: Removed wc-functions.php and handling for very old, deprecated WooCommerce functions
- IMPROVEMENT: Added the new button hover transitions and icon dynamic data to the Submit Button element
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions, dependencies, and dialogs for better usability
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.6.1
- FIXED: WooCommerce notices styling that was broken by WooCommerce 8.6
- FIXED: WooCommerce products shortcode columns not working correctly on a shop page that uses a layout
- FIXED: WooCommerce product review and legacy comment form submission breaking when using reCAPTCHA for comments
- FIXED: WooCommerce Product Image element changing to incorrect image, when changing a product variation inside of a Post Cards element on a single product page
- FIXED: WooCommerce Post Card Cart button stretch option not working in stacked mode
- FIXED: Motion effects device-specific option not working
- FIXED: Background images set in Column element not having the image ID stored, leading to a more expensive lookup
- FIXED: Dynamic data not working on Checklist element children
- FIXED: Avada Forms Text Field with name "s" (for search field functionality) not respecting all form field styles
- FIXED: Load More button in Post Cards element sometimes not correctly disappearing once all posts have been loaded
- FIXED: Device type rendering logic not working in Column element LE when using "not equal" comparison
- NEW: Added responsive options to the Instagram element to decide over the button layout
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated toTop option titles for consistency and easier search
- IMPROVEMENT: Avada Forms privacy params will only be added when needed now when submitting to URL
- IMPROVEMENT: Added Avada's sticky CSS class to sticky posts in Post Cards element
- COMPATIBILITY: The Event Tickets plugin causing a fatal error when using the Layout Builder
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs with disabled post title displaying a trailing separator
- FIXED: Update cart dynamic data functionality not working on WooCommerce cart page
- FIXED: Menu thumbnail images not being saved when legacy mega menu option is turned off
- FIXED: Underscore added to the anchor, even when menul link goes to external resource
- FIXED: Fatal error, when only Avada Core plugin is activated
- FIXED: PHP error and notice on PHP 8 in a few cases
- FIXED: JS error in the builder when using Flip Boxes element
- FIDED: Cancel comment link missing a white space in Comments element
- FIXED: Title element overflowing in Post Cards element one column grid layout when using ellipsis
- FIXED: Removed horizontal resize event from Toggles Element to avoid resize events on other elements
- FIXED: Icons on Button element not keeping accent color when buttons are focused
- FIXED: YouTube element iFrame being doubled when used in a Modal element and video facade option is enabled
- FIXED: Update totals button spacing on mobile in WooCommerce Cart Shipping element
- FIXED: Posts/pages with special chars being displayed encoded in Layout Conditions
- FIXED: Posts with apostrophe in name not being saved in Layout Conditions
- FIXED: Columns jumping in live editor when being absolutely positioned and hovered
- FIXED: Form Step progress height option is not displayed in the backend editor
- FIXED: MailChimp Groups not showing in Avada Forms when using the backend editor
v7.10.1 - April 04th, 2023
- NEW: Added background color and border color hover options to Column element
- NEW: Made dynamic data available for the video preview image option in Video element
- IMPROVEMENT: Limited global color custom HSLA changes to color variables to avoid undefined colors
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed issue leading to fatal error when CoBlocks plugin was installed (Issue was in plugin fixed in their version 3.0.2)
- FIXED: Fatal error happening on update, when Avada Builder is updated before Avada Core was
- FIXED: WC_Order object not always being defined, which causes fatal error on some installs
- FIXED: Usage of Post Cards element in a custom Mega Menu leading to display issues
- FIXED: Fade out motion effect not working in Column element
- FIXED: Lift-up hover and bottom shadow style selection not working in Image element
- FIXED: Hover/active border size option not working in the Menu element
- FIXED: Margin option in OpenStreetMap element not working
- FIXED: Legacy WooCommerce cart page reloading every second update cart button click
- FIXED: Numbers being in incorrect order in Countdown element on RTL sites
- FIXED: Privacy placeholders for embeds not having correct dimensions when video facade option is used
- FIXED: Custom height option in Off-Canvas working for medium and small devices only when set for large
- FIXED: PHP notice on Layouts admin page, when layout order is not already defined
- FIXED: Hover state changes frozen on option change in Live Editor in some cases
- FIXED: Editing a post in Live Editor not applying the corresponding layout correctly
- FIXED: A few styling issues of the Live Editor in RTL mode
- FIXED: Corrected some styling issues of color picker options in Live Editor when using dark mode
v7.7.1 - April 20th, 2022
- NEW: Added a trigger of the HubSpot chat to the dynamic data sources
- NEW: Added Skip Lazy Loading option to the Column element
- NEW: Added Boxed Padding element option to the Social Links element
- IMPROVEMENT: WordPress default custom fields are now available as dynamic data sources
- IMPROVEMENT: Popover content in Image Hotspot element now allows HTML
- IMPROVEMENT: Allow more columns on larger screens in the Avada Studio modal
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce Product Addons plugin causing JS error on the cart page
- FIXED: Events Calendar search bar missing mobile icons for search and filters
- FIXED: Quick edit links for Avada Forms, Post Cards and Menus not working in back-end editor
- FIXED: Child element content being escaped when editing a sibling in the back-end editor
- FIXED: Tag Cloud element missing taxonomy option on back-end editor
- FIXED: Width of items being incorrect in Social Links element when using font size in ems
- FIXED: Issue in latest version of Event Tickets plugin, causing a fatal error when using the layout builder
- FIXED: Wrong menu item being highlighted when using anchor scrolling
- FIXED: Fatal error happening on PHP 8.1 in image class when images are corrupted and thus don't have dimensions set
- FIXED: Avada Studio import option buttons overlapping the sticky menu in the Setup Wizard
- FIXED: Font size not being based on px not working in Checklist element in live editor
v7.6.1 - January 17th, 2022
- NEW: Added option to Flickr element to display images from a specific album
- NEW: Added rounding option to the Star Rating element
- PERFORMANCE: Added checks for specific ConvertPlus modules being activated to avoid unnecessary initialization
- IMPROVEMENT: Events Calendar single event pages will display title and time below featured image on mobile
- IMPROVEMENT: Live editor color pickers will no longer auto-open when clicking into the text field
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.1
- UPDATED: HubSpot API CRM scopes
- ACCESSIBILITY: Added aria-labelledby attribute to Progressbar element
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce product gallery lightbox trigger link missing title attribute
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce Fancy Product Designer causing issue with cart page item thumbnails
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce Payments plugin, causing display issues on custom checkout pages
- FIXED: Fatal error happening on backend post save when WooCommerce Payments plugin and YOAST SEO are active
- FIXED: WooCommerce sorting boxes showing on category pages, when those are set to show sub-categories
- FIXED: The link to the reviews does not work in the quick view of WooComerce products
- FIXED: Fatal error happening when using a CPT called 'product' when WooCommerce is not active
- FIXED: Incorrect sidebar classes being used on body HTML tag on WooCommerce custom taxonomy pages
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce Membership and Ultimate Member plugins, causing content to change in layout sections
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with WP Customer Area plugin, causing content to change in layout sections
- FIXED: Updates from versions below 6.2 triggering an error in the upgrade class
- FIXED: Attribute escaping missing for a translation string in the menu nav walker
- FIXED: Typography Global Options using the global typography sets cog icon incorrectly on margins
- FIXED: Mobile menu items not correctly aligned vertically on mobile when using legacy header/menu
- FIXED: Facebook Page element not being auto-activated
- FIXED: Global typography picker being slightly cut off in performance wizard
- FIXED: Layout dependencies and notes for header/footer social icon global options
- FIXED: Privacy placeholder not working in a few instances of iframe embeds
- FIXED: Facebook and Twitter Timeline elements loading iframes even without privacy consent
- FIXED: Videos not being stopped after closing the modal in Avada Off Canvas
- FIXED: Backgrounds of Avada Sliders in parallax mode not being shifted with Off Canvas sliding bars in push mode
- FIXED: Toggle element default active/inactive icons being reversed
- FIXED: Widget title display option not working for the Events Calendar widgets
- FIXED: Honeypot form field not being removed from submission email content in Avada Forms
- FIXED: Select form field not being removed from submission email content in Avada Forms when hidden because of conditional rendering
- FIXED: Option to create Avada Form database tables on the Avada Status page not working
- FIXED: Sub-menu expand carets not working on first click on iPhones when mobile menu is set to auto-expand
- FIXED: Framed scrolling is not working correctly when user is logged out of WordPress
- FIXED: Fatal error happening in Archive element when using in content layout section for Portfolio archive pages
- FIXED: Countdown element missing margin between heading and count down in stacked layout, when no subheading is used
- FIXED: Transition being jumpy in Testimonial element, when no avatar is elected and clean design is used
- FIXED: Social sharing box being displayed inside of layout sections on Events Calendar single events when blocks are used
- FIXED: Hover effects not working together with image masks in the Image element
- FIXED: Image centering not working in Image element when using bottom shadow style together with a max-width
- FIXED: Mask preview icons missing from Image element in the backend editor
- FIXED: Images always displaying in full width in Image element in live editor, regardless of native image dimensions
- FIXED: JS error in live editor global option search when a repeater option is part of results
- FIXED: Colors in Page Options being saved as default even when left empty in live editor
- FIXED: Single page import of a prebuilt site not working in the live editor
v7.4.2 - September 10th, 2021
- SECURITY: Fixed XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) issue in breadcrumbs when using bbPress plugin and being on bbPress search page
- SECURITY: Fixed XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) issue in Avada Forms component allowing unescaped HTML form entries to be loaded on the backend
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 5.8 (widget screen)
- FIXED: Dimension fields not saving in Global Options
Download Avada v7.4.1 | Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme Nulled Free
v7.4.1 - June 16th, 2021
- NEW: Added possibility to dynamically trigger and populate Modal elements (e.g. for Post Card element)
- NEW: Added a filter for more control over additional link attributes
- IMPROVEMENT: Patcher will now only be loaded on back-end, improving compatibility and performance
- IMPROVEMENT: Refactored method of reading and filtering 3rd party CSS files for enqueuing to Avada's compiled CSS
- FIXED: Uploaded custom fonts being loaded as Google fonts when used in page contents
- FIXED: Mega menus not correctly loading, when several menu elements using mega menus are on the same page
- FIXED: Mega menu hover transition not always being correct
- FIXED: Mega menu first level items having wrong font family and color, when mega menu titles are disabled
- FIXED: Table searches on back-end pages not working
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with Polylang plugin causing a fatal error on the front-end
- FIXED: PHP notice occurring when Polylang is active but no languages have been added
- FIXED: Empty column height being sometimes wrong when using a background image
- FIXED: Custom icon set social media icons not working correctly
- FIXED: RSS icon and female testimonial avatar missing from Avada's icon font
- FIXED: Events Calendar single events sidebar items being incorrectly aligned
- FIXED: Sidebar JS script not correctly loaded on single events pages of Events Calendar, when metadata is in sidebar
- FIXED: Form logics and fields data being empty
- FIXED: Form entries pagination not working
- FIXED: Title highlight/rotation animation not working, if below it there is another title element using element animation
- FIXED: Icon padding being incorrect in sub-menus, when megamenu is turned off in Global Options
- FIXED: Avada Core plugin causing a fatal error when being active without Avada Builder or Avada
- FIXED: Minor styling issue of the theme Sharing Box
- FIXED: Title separator spacer missing from a few automatically added headings
- FIXED: PHP notice in class-fusion-searchform.php
- FIXED: WooCommerce product gallery image width being different in Firefox when left or right thumb navigation is used
- FIXED: Click mode not working in Vertical Menu widget
- FIXED: A few RTL issues in the back-end UI