Easy Light Style
Appearance > Styles > Import > Child of style: (No Parent) > and then click "Import"
Built from ground up because I needed a new style that took advantage of the 2.3 feature set. I utilized the Color Pallets and Basic Colors as much as possible for most of it, and no additional CSS needed.
- A light colored style
- No template edits
- Preview can be seen here (note this is customized for my site - you will get the standard node icons as shown below)
- For xenForo 2.3, the style has been exported as an "archive" so simply import the ".zip file" only. I cannot guarantee backwards compatibility, this has not been tested with any other versions.
Appearance > Styles > Import > Child of style: (No Parent) > and then click "Import"
Built from ground up because I needed a new style that took advantage of the 2.3 feature set. I utilized the Color Pallets and Basic Colors as much as possible for most of it, and no additional CSS needed.