XenForo allows you to prevent people from rating resources using simple permissions, however it does not hide the ratings stars from the UI.
This XF 2.x addon simply hides all reference to resource ratings from the UI - including the stars
It does not disable or prohibit people from using ratings - you should use the core permission settings for that.
You may also want to disable the Top resources widget - it's a bit pointless if you're not doing ratings.
Version 1.x of this addon is for XF 2.2 / XFRM 2.2 only
Version 2.x of this addon is for XF 2.3 / XFRM 2.3 only and is NOT compatible with XF 2.2 / XFRM 2.2
(Note that installing the wrong version won't really break anything - it just won't hide things as expected)
This XF 2.x addon simply hides all reference to resource ratings from the UI - including the stars
It does not disable or prohibit people from using ratings - you should use the core permission settings for that.
You may also want to disable the Top resources widget - it's a bit pointless if you're not doing ratings.
Version 1.x of this addon is for XF 2.2 / XFRM 2.2 only
Version 2.x of this addon is for XF 2.3 / XFRM 2.3 only and is NOT compatible with XF 2.2 / XFRM 2.2
(Note that installing the wrong version won't really break anything - it just won't hide things as expected)