About This File
The long awaited awards application for IPS has arrived!
iAwards provides administrators the ability to award their members with badges that show in their profile and, if chosen, on their posts.
Standalone this application has the ability to manually award members and to award members based on the amount of awards the member has. You can award both from the ACP as well as from the create menu at the top of your site.
In order to give everyone a fully customizable way to award we have integrated it with the Rules application.
This gives you the power to award your members based on rules that you create instead of the ones that we think up.
Features include:
- Choose location of awards – Under the post or under the author pane.
- Hide awards – To allow members to show the ones they want.
- Award based on number of awards.
- Manual awarding.
- Upgrade Tools for both HQ Awards and Awards (Free).
- Category and awards management.