Themes features
- Visual Page Builder
- Webkul Marketplace Compatibility
- Multiple pre-demos website (20+ Unique design)
- Multiple layouts and setting options for Category page, product page
- Mobile theme is optimized for mobile devices
- Include .PSD files, Please contact us to get .psd files after you purchased theme
- BLOG extension for Magento 1 from
- BLOG extension for Magento 2 from
- Magento 2 Mega menu, Magento 2 Megamenu, Magento 2.2 Megamenu Drag & Drop
- Magento 1 Mega menu, Magento 1 Megamenu, Magento 1.9 Megamenu Drag & Drop
- Ajax cart pro
- Quick view
- Lookbook Professional Extension
- Shop by brand
- Profiles
- Portfolio
- Promo banners
- Social login
- Layered Navigation: Ajax, SEO, MultiSelect, Filter and search by rating
- Infinite scroll in category page.
- Ajax compare and ajax wishlist
- OWL slider/OWL Slideshow
- Multiple Google fonts available & add custom font types
- Social Share with Share This
- Google rich snippets
- Multiple type and new design for homepage layouts: about us, services, login, register,checkout pages,...
- Full Responsive & Retina Ready
- Too easy to Install Sample Data
- Allow to configure Product Grid 2 to 8 Columns
- Show/hidden options in product page
- Facebook like box
- Lastest twitter
- Popup newsletter
- Sticky menu
- Vertical megamenu
- Back to top button
- Price slider filter
- Support SEO
- Ajax load product loading
- Different product ratio
- Custom product tab
- Size chart in product view page: display content by cms page, cms block, product attribute, product attribute set.
- Up-sell slider
- Multiple effects loading element
- Cross browser and all platform
- Compatible all devices
- Validate W3C
- and more….