With this module you are able to track the login IP addresses of your clients. This is useful for law enforcement requests or to detect fraud easier. If an WHMCS Admin uses the "Login as Client" feature, the login will not be logged. Therefore, only client logins are logged.
The module also shows how many other accounts exist that have ever logged in with an IP. This functionality is great for detecting duplicate accounts and preventing fraud.
Staff can view the list of logins at the Client Summary Page. A new button is visible which will output all recorded logins.
When using WHMCS v7 or higher, you can search for IP addresses using the WHMCS Intelligent Search. Using this feature, you can quickly find out whether the IP was used for another customer account too.
Module does work with WHMCS v6, v7 and v8, PHP 5 up to PHP 7.4. Of course it does also log IPv6 adresses.
- More info: https://marketplace.whmcs.com/product/3527-ip-login-history