Adds the ability to import/export template modifications.
If a modification with a key already exists, it overwrites (updates) it. Adds the corresponding buttons to the upper right corner.
They may not be displayed if the modification creation itself is not displayed, but access to them via links is left: /admin.php?template-modifications/import and /admin.php?template-modifications/export respectively.
Makes life easier if:
If a modification with a key already exists, it overwrites (updates) it. Adds the corresponding buttons to the upper right corner.
They may not be displayed if the modification creation itself is not displayed, but access to them via links is left: /admin.php?template-modifications/import and /admin.php?template-modifications/export respectively.
Makes life easier if:
- You want to share your template modification or modifications with someone . One export can contain more than one modification.
- You run two forums and need to synchronize some modifications between them.