You can run the last command up to four times in order to add 4 virtual monitors to Windows 10.
If you are on a 32-bit system, replace "deviceinstaller64" by "deviceinstaller"
The included batch file usbmmidd.bat runs these commands automatically and selects between the 32- or 64-bit version of deviceinstaller. If you are not comfortable opening a command prompt and entering these commands, right-click on usbmmidd.bat and "Run As Administrator."
That's it. You now have a high definition monitor in your Display Settings. The default resolution is 1920x1080 pixels, if you need other resolutions, check the included idd_instructions.txt file for how to specify your own resolution(s). In the Display Settings of your system, you can position the monitor, change the resolution, extend the desktop or do whatever you do with a real monitor.
To deactivate the virtual monitor, run the command:
deviceinstaller64 enableidd 0
(If you've added more than one virtual display, run this command multiple times)
to reactivate it:
deviceinstaller64 enableidd 1
To completely remove the drivers from your system, you can either go through the Device Manager and uninstall "USB Mobile Monitor Virtual Display", or run the commands:
deviceinstaller64 stop usbmmidd
deviceinstaller64 remove usbmmid
If you are on a 32-bit system, replace "deviceinstaller64" by "deviceinstaller"
The included batch file usbmmidd.bat runs these commands automatically and selects between the 32- or 64-bit version of deviceinstaller. If you are not comfortable opening a command prompt and entering these commands, right-click on usbmmidd.bat and "Run As Administrator."
That's it. You now have a high definition monitor in your Display Settings. The default resolution is 1920x1080 pixels, if you need other resolutions, check the included idd_instructions.txt file for how to specify your own resolution(s). In the Display Settings of your system, you can position the monitor, change the resolution, extend the desktop or do whatever you do with a real monitor.
To deactivate the virtual monitor, run the command:
deviceinstaller64 enableidd 0
(If you've added more than one virtual display, run this command multiple times)
to reactivate it:
deviceinstaller64 enableidd 1
To completely remove the drivers from your system, you can either go through the Device Manager and uninstall "USB Mobile Monitor Virtual Display", or run the commands:
deviceinstaller64 stop usbmmidd
deviceinstaller64 remove usbmmid