OpenStack Projects For WHMCS has been cleverly designed to secure full automation of the chores between the provisioning and supervision of OpenStack projects inside your WHMCS. Vast administrative powers paired with access to configurable options will enable you to deliver varied bundles of resources easily customizable to meet the changing appetites of your clients.Your system will be stocked with a plentiful supply of features to assist you with the configuration of each created project. You will be able to control the project’s status and key mode parameters, as well as determine the role assignment for its users. In addition, the module will present a neat summary of the project’s details for your customers to quickly look over without leaving your website.
With our OpenStack Projects For WHMCS, you will never risk failing to cope with the volume and pace of business innovation. Pick up the module today to push your game up a notch and drive traffic straight to your company’s doors!
- Admin Area
- Create/Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate OpenStack Projects
- Change Package
- Log In To Panel
- View Created Project/User/Domain IDs
- Set Up Project Configuration:
- Define Default Domain
- Define User Roles
- Define Client Projects Mode:
- Default
- Only One Domain Per Client
- Only One Domain And User Per Client
- Provide OpenStack Panel Web Address
- Provide Default Project/User Name
- Toggle WHMCS Domain Overwriting
- Toggle Displaying Domain For Clients
- Toggle Logging API Requests
- Set Up Limits For:
- Compute
- Block-Storage
- Network
- Load Balancer
- Container Infrastructure
- Kubernetes
- Traits (OpenStack) / Placement Groups (Virtuozzo)
- Set Up Module Custom Webhooks
- Generate Configurable Options
- Run Server Connection Test