XenForo 2.2+
This adds over a dozen new administrator permissions. This was originally written by @Vekseid and posted here,
He has marked the addon as unmaintained, and released it as a MIT license. So I have used his code, re-written slightly, and am publishing it as a new addon.
If you are running his version of the addon, you will need to uninstall it before installing this version.
Permissions Added:
Setup Menu:
MIT License:
This covers just about everything you could want to separate truly disruptive abilities from other general admin permissions, save for dev functions. Which you shouldn't have on in a production environment.
Note that this won't be very compatible with other addons trying to do the same thing, just in case someone does.
XenForo 2.2+
This adds over a dozen new administrator permissions. This was originally written by @Vekseid and posted here,
He has marked the addon as unmaintained, and released it as a MIT license. So I have used his code, re-written slightly, and am publishing it as a new addon.
If you are running his version of the addon, you will need to uninstall it before installing this version.
Permissions Added:
Setup Menu:
- Manage connected account providers
- Batch threads capability
- Manage thread reply bans
- Manage custom thread fields
- Email users (Requires batch processing, but users without it can still prepare these)
- Mass Alert or Message users (Requires batch processing, but users without it can still prepare these).
- Manage member statistics
- Batch user processing
- Manage user title ladder
- Import/Export users
- Manage moderators
- Manage supermoderators
- Manage user group promotions
- Manage Individual User Permissions
- Admin tools
- Delete logs permission
- Admin log view
MIT License:
This covers just about everything you could want to separate truly disruptive abilities from other general admin permissions, save for dev functions. Which you shouldn't have on in a production environment.
Note that this won't be very compatible with other addons trying to do the same thing, just in case someone does.