Aircraft Market is a new phpvms expansion which lets your VA buy/sell or lease aircraft and simulates the reduction of the aircraft condition based on several flight factors. Whenever an aircraft falls below a certain (Selectable) condition it will be sent to Maintenance. The Maintenance features of this module also includes several routine Maintenance Checks which are performed automatically once an aircraft reaches a specific amountbof flight hours. You can not only buy new planes, the module also simulates an actual aircraft Market where you can buy or lease planes at a reduced price from predefined imaginary companies. It does not allow one VA to actually lease or sell aircraft to another VA! All Market offers are generated virtually by the Module based on several calculations. To make this module work on all Phpvms versions the module uses its own calculations to get the available money due to limitations of the pre-beta phpvms versions financial system. This means that the default phpVMS functions and the Aircraftmarket Module will show different values. (If you feel the need you can integrate the Aircraftmarket Income and expenses to the default Finances yourself if you have some php and mysql knowledge. The expenses from Maintenance, Leasing & Purchases and Income from aircraft sales are stored in seperate database tables. We didnt include this to not touch any core functions of your phpvms install).