The WireGuard VPN module provides the ability to sell the Virtual Private Network service to mass customers. You can use standard WireGuard mobile app for Android and iOS.
Attention: the module only works with the PUQVPNCP control panel.
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You can acquire a free Development License of this module. This license grants you access to our software products, allowing you to explore and test them for your development and testing projects. It's an invaluable tool for developers and teams seeking to familiarize themselves with our products and engage in limited-scale development before committing to the purchase of commercial licenses.
Get PUQVNPCP license 90% cheaper.
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Promo Code for You: VPNStartup
Module Functions:
- Auto create and deploy VPN account/accounts
- Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate/Change Package
- Possibility to set Bandwidth speed limits
- Module supports multilingualism
- Link to instructions for setting up the service in the client area.
- Create users
- Suspend users
- Terminate users
- Unsuspend users
- Change Package
- VPN connection status
- VPN connection status
On the basis of our experience and modules that we have created and use for production every day in our company, we decided to publish a commercial version, hence the code of the modules is not the achievement of a programmer who learns and tests new solutions, but the result of the work of experienced developers with over 20 years of experience.
Price for the module.
We are based on a subscription model and we offer two variants - monthly and annual. The annual plan comes with a big discount on the monthly version. More details can be seen on the product page of our store.
For each of our products, we have prepared a Weblate-based translation mechanism that uses deepL machine learning engine. Missing translations can, for each available language, be generated automatically and suggestions for better expressions.
Module Documentation
English documentation: