System Requirements
- WHMCS v5+
- PHP version 5.6 or greater
- PHP ionCube Loader v4 or greater
- Bootstrap Framework version 2 or greater
- jQuery version 1.7 or greater
- Compatible with PHP 5 and 7
- Compatible with WHMCS 7.x and 8.x
- All domain push actions are save in logs. WHMCS administrator can see this logs in WHMCS Admin Panel.
- Open source email templates (tpl files). You can customize notification email's design.
- When sender start a domain transfer action, system open a pop screen. Receiver's name and surname written in this screen with "N*** S******" this format.
- Multi language supported for module and email templates.
- Sender write buyer's email and start a new domain push. Sender see buyer's name and surname's first letters with N*** S****** format.
- System send an email to buyer for approve.
- Buyer click approve URL in email.
- System send transfer confirmation email to sender.
- Transfer completed.
- More info: