Quansheng Dock
A WPF Windows app that allows remote operation of the Quansheng UV-K5 (and equivalent) hand-held radios via the programming cable.Features
- Enhanced LCD display cloning. Font and color selection.
- Channel Editor with ability to adjust multiple channels simultaneously.
- Spectrum Analyzer with monitor mode.
- Waterfall display.
Installation : The app is essentially portable and can be placed anywhere. If installing from the release build, just unzip it to a location of your choice and run the "QuanshengDock.exe" inside the folder. You will also need to program the radio with the accompanying firmware found here : https://github.com/nicsure/quansheng-dock-fw
More info:
GitHub - nicsure/QuanshengDock: Allows the Quansheng UV-K5 radio to be controlled by a PC.
Allows the Quansheng UV-K5 radio to be controlled by a PC. - GitHub - nicsure/QuanshengDock: Allows the Quansheng UV-K5 radio to be controlled by a PC.