Gradient Theme Features Palette 5 color schemes.
Key Features
- Palette
- 5 color schemes. Dark/Light versions included.
- One click to switch your website between 5 color schemes.
- Customize any of the colors schemes you want.
- All color schemes in palette including background images are user choosable.
Check the Demo site if you want to test the palette.
- Color Management
- %99 all theme colors are customizable in theme settings. Without touching a line of code you can change the entire front-end colors all in theme settings.
You can also use the palette to export your customized theme colors. - Customize colors of Editor, Header & Navigation, Widgets & Titles, Social links, Forms & Toggles, Pagination & tabs, Buttons...etc).
- %99 all theme colors are customizable in theme settings. Without touching a line of code you can change the entire front-end colors all in theme settings.
- Forum Category Styles.
- Set a custom forum category background, title background...etc
- Apply a cover on specific forum category.
Useful for password protected forums, or forums with permissions.
No custom css or coding knowledge is required, All you have to do is selecting forums and apply the customization's.
- Footer.
- Enable/Disable footer.
- show/hide on mobiles or tablets.
- Custom Editor field column, with a header text and a Truncatable option.
- Custom HTML field column. provided with a sample for quick links.
- Get feed from Pages application.
- Footer background image.
All colors are customizable.