Set of 44 add-ons designed to expand the functionality and enhance the user experience of your XenForo 2 forum. These add-ons include a wide range of features, ensuring that you have the tools you need to effectively manage, customize, and optimize your online community.
- PayPalTax
- RequireUserField
- [TC] Allow editing date of birth
- [TC] ChatGPT Reply Bot
- [TC] Custom Node Icons
- [TC] Custom User Style
- [TC] Disable Reaction Counter
- [TC] FreeKassa
- [TC] Member reactions
- [TC] Node List Widget
- [TC] Paygate_ Capusta.Space
- [TC] Paygate_ ЮMoney
- [TC] Quick Access Menu
- [TC] Robohash Avatars
- [TC] Simple Withdrawal
- [TC] Sticky Resources
- [TC] User Language Detection
- [TC] User Mention Avatar
- [TC] VK Profile
- INZ-UserUpgradeConversation
- PaygateCoinPayments
- PaygateYandexMoney
- TC_Contests
- TC-PaidResources
- TC-PaygateQiwiApi
- tc-paygaterukassa
- TC-PaygateUnitPay
- TC-PaygateWebMoney
- [TC] AJAX Paging
- [TC] ChatGPT Reply Bot
- [TC] Component Library
- [TC] Developer Tools
- [TC] Flarum Badges
- [TC] Paygate Qiwi P2P
- [TC] Paygate WebMoney
- PaygateDigiseller
- PaygateFreeKassa
- PaygateYandexMoney
- PaymentLogs