Ignore More
Let your users remove content from their view by ignoring forums or threads.
You can install this add-on by using [TH] Install and Upgrade, installing it manually, or ZIP Upload (XenForo 2.1. and higher).
Let your users remove content from their view by ignoring forums or threads.
You can install this add-on by using [TH] Install and Upgrade, installing it manually, or ZIP Upload (XenForo 2.1. and higher).
- Add a 'Show ignored content' link when content has been hidden on the news feed and latest activity pages, allowing the ignored content to be revealed
- Allow users to choose to ignore or unignore the threads or forums in the news feed, thread list, and forum list
- Users can see what they are ignoring within their account area
- Have links prefixed with "th-ignoremore-" if the “Use full friendly URLs” option is disabled to potentially help with conflicting add-ons