- Compatible XF Versions :
- 2.2
User Criteria Extended
Heavily extends the range of available user criteria by adding opposite criteria for most existing criteria, along with a whole range of new criteria that can mostly be derived from the existing XenForo criteria setup with no additional calculation effort.
Additional criteria:
- Miscellaneous
- Criterion is [always / never] met
- User ID:
- User ID is [no more than / at least] X
- Privileges and status
- User state is not X
- User is [a / not] staff member
- User behaviour
- User has [no more than / at least] X warning points
- Social
- User is [following / ignoring] [no more than / at least] X people
- User is [following / ignoring] [at least one / none / all] of the defined users
- User has [no more than / at least] X unread conversations
- Connected accounts
- User is associated with none of the selected account providers
- User has [no more than / at least] X connected account providers
- Content and achievements
- User has added no more than X [media items / albums / resources]
- User has a reaction score of no more than X
- Users reaction score to message ratio is no more than X
- User has no more than X trophy points
- User has been registered for no more than X days
- User has registered [before / after] date
- User profile and options
- User is [not] visiting with one of the selected styles
- User is [not] visiting with one of the selected languages
- User is not browsing with the selected language
- User has [not] enabled two-step verification
- User has [not] filled out the [location / about you / website] field
- User has [a / no] [signature / custom title]
- Users custom title does [not] match regular expression
- User is [at least / no more than] X years old
- Users [day / month / year] of birth is [not] X
- User is [not] surfing invisible
- Password
- Users password is [older / younger] than X days
- Specific users
- Username does [not] match regular expression
- Username is not X
- Username does not contain X
- Users email address does not contain X
- User behavior
- User has [no more than / at least] X [open / closed / total] reports
- User has [no more than / at least] X [active / expired / total] warnings
- Social
- User has [no more than / at least] X followers
- Subscriptions
- User has [a / no] active user upgrade
- Users user upgrade is expiring within the next X days
- User has [no more than/at least] X expired user upgrades
- User profile and options
- User is [a / no] super administrator
- User has [a / no] API key
- User has [no] active push subscription
- Content and achievements
- User has [no more than / at least] X bookmarks
- User has posted [no more than / at least] X profile posts
- User has posted [no more than / at least] X profile post comments
- User has uploaded [no more than / at least] X attachments
- User has voted on [no more than / at least] X polls
- User has created [no more than / at least] X threads
- User has added [no more than / at least] X tags
- Users threads has received [no more than / at least] X replies
- Users most active thread has received [no more than / at least] X replies
- User has [no more than / at least] X threads in [one / all combined / each] of the selected forums
- User has posted [no more than / at least] X posts in the last Y days
- User has [no more than / at least] X posts in [one / all combined / each] of the selected forums
- User has posted [no more than / at least] X posts in the last Y days in the selected nodes
- User has [given / received [no more than / at least] X reactions of [one / all combined / each] of the selected reactions
- User has earned [at least one / none / each] of the selected trophies
- User has [no more than / at least] X posts in each of the defined threads
- Watched content
- User is watching [no more than / at least] X [forums / threads / resources categories / resources / media categories / albums /media items]
- XenForo Resource Manager
- User has [no more than / at least] X resources in [one / all combined / each] of the selected categories
- User has [given / received] [no more than / at least] X reviews
- User has published [no more than / at least] X updates
- Users most downloaded resource has [no more than / at least] X downloads
- Users resources have [no more than / at least] X total downloads
- Users most viewed resource has [no more than / at least] X views
- Users resources have [no more than / at least] X total views
- Users highest rated resource has a rating of [no more than / at least] X
- Users average resource rating is [no more than / at least] X
- XenForo Media Gallery
- User has [no more than / at least] X media items in [one / all combined / each] of the selected categories
- Users albums have [no more than / at least] X views
- Users highest viewed album has [no more than / at least] X views
- Users media items have [no more than / at least] X views
- Users highest viewed media item has [no more than / at least] X views
- Users albums have received [no more than / at least] X comments
- Users highest commented album has [no more than / at least] X comments
- Users media items have received [no more than / at least] X comments
- Users highest commented media item has [no more than / at least] X comments
- Users highest rated album has a rating of [no more than / at least] X
- Users albums have an average rating of [no more than / at least] X
- Users albums have been rated [no more than / at least] X times
- User has rated [no more than / at least] X albums
- Users highest rated media item has a rating of [no more than / at least] X
- Users media items have an average rating of [no more than / at least] X
- Users media items have been rated [no more than / at least] X times
- User has rated [no more than / at least] X media items
- User has provided [a / no] value
- Users provided value matches regular expression
- Dates
- [Day / month / year] equals X
- Date [before / after] X
- Date [at least / no more than] X days in the [future / past]
- Colors
- [Red / green / blue] component [above / below] X
- E-mails
- Domain matches X
- URLs
- Top level domain is [not] one of the defined
- URL is [http / https]
- Numbers
- Value is [above / below] X
- Upload the content of the -folder to your XenForo root directory.upload
- Head to and install User Criteria Extended.ACP -> Add-Ons
- Read the patch notes for potential additional necessary steps!
- Upload the content of the -folder to your XenForo root directory. Overwrite files when asked.upload
- Head to and upgrade User Criteria Extended.ACP -> Add-Ons
- Head to and uninstall User Criteria Extended.ACP -> Add-Ons
- Delete the following folders inside your XenForo root directory:
- src/addons/ThemeHouse/UserCriteria/