Hi. Because we are a comunity, ill share with you my cloned WHMCS whatsapp notification rewrited almost from scratch for my needs. Ive tested this module for 3 weeks now and seems that everything is working as it should
What i implemented in this module:
Tested with whatsapp bussiness, and its working, 3 weeks now with no downtime or disconectig from phone
What i implemented in this module:
- Consent of client (well, i think that client should decide if want, or not whatsapp notification)
- Client will decide if want or not to receive whatsapp notification, if its set to NO, he will not receive any whatsapp notification
- Client has option to chose what kind of notification want to receve
- Ticket notification
- Invoice notification
- Other service related notification (suspension, activation, etc)
- In any case, the module will skip or not sending notification
- Client will decide if want or not to receive whatsapp notification, if its set to NO, he will not receive any whatsapp notification
- Surpress invoices with zero (0) value
- You can chose if you want to send to the client a zero invoice, in many contry (mine also) zero value invoice has no value so i have no reason to send this kind of invoice
- If the checkbox is selected, all invoices with zero value will be surpressed (deleted) and client will be redirected to the service purchased with a fancy message under product (this message cand be setup under /hooks/ZeroInvoiceTweek.php).
- If checkbox is not selected, the module will send normal notifications (invoice, product provisioning, details)
- Daily report
- Admin will receive a daily report (from the day before) (like daily cron email) but with a small report with:
- New orders
- Invoice unpaid
- Overdue invoices
- Suspended services
- Income (today, this month, this year)
- Admin will receive a daily report (from the day before) (like daily cron email) but with a small report with:
Tested with whatsapp bussiness, and its working, 3 weeks now with no downtime or disconectig from phone