SMS Manager is an advanced SMS System which offers you the ability to automatically send SMS Messages to your clients on certain events (such as: SMS for client login, SMS for new invoice, SMS for overdue invoice, etc.). This system also gives you the ability to provide your customers and admins with two-factor authentication, which will send a code to your clients/admins phone upon login, and before proceeding to the client area/admin area, you would need to enter the provided code.
The SMS Manager offers many features which are beneficial to many companies who use WHMCS as their billing system.
SMS Settings - Configure SMS gateways settings and SMS alert message templates
Client Login - Send an SMS to your client when someone logs into their account
Client Registration - Let your clients know that their account is setup and that they will receive SMS Alerts
Client Password Change - Alert your client when their password has been changed to their client area
Client Affiliate Activation - Notify your client that their affiliate account has been activated
Client notification - Module change package
Cancellation Request - Let your client know that you have received their cancellation request
Support Ticket Response - Send SMS alert to client on admin response
Support Ticket Change Status - SMS Alert for Support Ticket Close/Open
Invoice Created - Alert your client that an invoice has been generated
Invoice Paid - Thank your client for the payment
Invoice Reminder - Let your client know that the invoice is almost due
Invoice First Overdue - Let your client know that their invoice is now overdue
Invoice Second Overdue - Remind your client that the invoice is overdue
Invoice Third Overdue - Send another reminder that the invoice is still overdue
Module Create - Notify your client that their service is now active
Module Suspend - Alert your client that the service is suspended
Module Un-suspend - Notify your client that the service is now reactivated
Module Password Change - Alert your client that their service password has been changed
Module Terminated - Notify your client that their service is now terminated
Domain Registration - Let your client know that their domain is successfully registered
Domain Transfer - Let your client know that you have transferred their domain name to your company
Domain Renewal - Notify your client that their domain has been renewed
Domain First, Second, Third Overdue - Notify your client that their domain Overdue
Domain name added to paid invoice notification
Enable and disable individual features from the above list
Set your own personalized message for each SMS message which is sent
Search clients, and view all sent SMS Messages
Resend SMS Messages which have previously been sent
Send manual SMS Messages to any mobile number with a custom message
Sender ID - Display your company name as the sender of an SMS Messages
Set mobile numbers for your admins, so that they can use two-factor authentication when logging in to the admin area
Clients can Opt-out / Opt-in of SMS Notification (Meets GDPR Requirements)
Admin chooses which SMS Messages a client can/will receive
Admin - Send an SMS to your Staff when someone Open Ticket, Order Place, Service Create, Unsupend, Terminated, Ticket Reply, Ticket Close, Cancellation Request
Admin - Can see the Client log in the client profile log page
Admin notifications - Admin Login, Domain registration, Domain registration failed, Domain Renewal
Enable Client Notifications to allow admin to enable/disable client page
Gateway by customer country (multi gateway)
Multi-Language Support
Mass SMS
Show the number of characters of the message as we type
Send SMS from Client Summary Page
Can using WHMCS phone number
Safe Times: Ability to send SMS at X hours from Cron Job run (Schedule SMS - gateway must support this)
Balance Credits from selected SMS Gateway (NEW)
Sent SMS to client Birthday Message (NEW)
Two-Factor Authentication:
Client Area Login
Admin Area Login
Supported SMS Gateways Providers: (Integrated SMS Gateways)
BulkSMS (US & Worldwide)
Clickatell (US & Worldwide)
Text Marketer (UK)
Sendpk (Pakistan & Worldwide)
Twilio (US & Worldwide)
Dakiksms (Turkey)
Super Solutions (Pakistan & Worldwide)
SMSBao (China) (Arabic & Worldwide)
DirectCyber (Worldwide)
MesseageBird (Worldwide)
Route Africa Networks Ltd (Tanzania & Worldwide)
Africa's Talking (Africa)
Plivo (Worldwide)
MSG91 (India & Worldwide)
SMSEagle (Europe & Worldwide)
QSMS (Australia & Worldwide)
Infobip (Worldwide)
SSL Wireless
Jawwal (Palestine & Worldwide)
46elks (Worldwide)
Boomcast (Banglades)
Amazon SNS (Worldwide)
Want to add your own SMS gateway?
We can do this for $65.00 USD extra all depend the API Doc Please open a ticket here
WHMCS 7.6.x & 7.7.1 Click Here
PHP 7.1, 7.2 & 7.3
PHP CURL enabled
Ioncube Loaders v10.x
Live Demos:
Admin Section Click Here User: Demos / Password: Demos
Compatible Templates:
Zomex (Latest Version) Click Here
ThemeMetro (Latest Version) Click Here
CMSBased (Latest Version) Click Here
SwiftModders (Latest Version) Click Here
Impressive Themes (Latest Version) Click Here
ThemeLooks (Latest Version) Click Here
RS Studio (Latest Version) Click Here
Lara, WHMCS Admin (Latest Version) Click Here