- Price
- Client can generate a Support Pin
- Pin will expire after x hours automatically (You can set the number of hours from the settings)
- You can deny admins from clicking through to the client's profile once the pin has expired (This is optional in the settings)
- You can make PINs automatically expire once the admin has clicked through to the client's profile (This is optional in the settings)
- You can choose which admins have super admin privileges which will allow you to see all support pins, delete expired support pins, and unexpired an expired support pin
- Choose the length of the security pin in settings, allowing you to create a pin of any length
- Show support pin on client summary page in admin area
- Hide the support pin link from the navbar
- Disable / Enable generate PIN button in the client area
- Enable Pin Show in Side Bar OR Support Menu OR Both
- Dashboard Widget
- Hide full pin
- Pin Tool Tip
- Contact Limitation to access or change the pin
- Showing error when staff don't have permission
- Multi-Active Pin
- Pin Encrypted
- Staff required approval or pin to access all client data
- Time-based agents limit for accessing client data
- Auto change password option after staff see client password
- Hide Client Service Password
- Allow your support team can access client data when client ticket assigned to them