Portal 2 Name:0
Portal Address 2:0
This is a bit old then other panels we have in here so i will still post this for you guys
What you have to do follow the steps and dont tell me is not working as im using already and working fine
is been tested on Centos 7 with Cwp7 PHP 7.3
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Now let start
1 Upload Folder Panel to your Host
To login use User/pass admin admin
2 Edit your APk file (to edit this file i use APK Easy Tool portable 1.58 that you can get it from the link below)

Download - APK Easy Tool portable 1.58
Apk Easy Tool is a lightweight GUI application that enables you to manage, sign, compile and decompile the APK files for the apps you are working on. APK Easy Tool is absolute free for commercial and non-commercial use. Requirements: - Windows 7 or above - .NET Framework 4.7.2 or above - Java...

Decompile your Apk and edit
edit one line on
line 186 to http://yourdns/foldername/api/
3 To edit the App name go to
line 68
line 721
Now compile and you done