Allow your site users to share their private resources without public access. Website owners can remove or add the allowed users anytime they want.
ACP Options
Cron Option
Automatically remove users from the downloader list by the time limit.
User Group Permissions
Let's time to review the Private Resource Downloader!
Add or remove members
Website owners can have full control over access to their uploaded files all the time. They can add or remove other users anytime with their usernames.
Alert notification
When a resource is shared with any user, the user will get a notification via download time-based.
Permission Denied
Only the allowed users will be able to download those resources and users without permission will see a permission denied error message (even if they have full download permission for other resource categories).
Feature list
ACP Options
Cron Option
Automatically remove users from the downloader list by the time limit.
User Group Permissions
Let's time to review the Private Resource Downloader!
Add or remove members
Website owners can have full control over access to their uploaded files all the time. They can add or remove other users anytime with their usernames.
Alert notification
When a resource is shared with any user, the user will get a notification via download time-based.
Permission Denied
Only the allowed users will be able to download those resources and users without permission will see a permission denied error message (even if they have full download permission for other resource categories).
Feature list
- Easy to share private resources.
- Usage by resource category
- Role-based resource sharing.
- Alert notification.
- Automatically remove users from the downloader list by the time limit.
- Date added and download log.
- User group permissions.
- Notice for without permission users.