XenForo AndyB Account upgrade receipt
Eldorado submitted a new resource:
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- AndyB Account upgrade receiptDescription:
Creates an account upgrade receipt.
(Example of Print receipt link)
(Example of Account upgrade receipt page)
(Example of Receipt)
(Example of Options page)
(Example of User group permissions)
- All phrases start with accountupgradereceipt_ for your convenience.
- Download Andy-AccountUpgradeReceipt-1.0.zip and unzip it.
- Copy the src/addons/Andy/AccountUpgradeReceipt directory to your server.
- From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
User group permissions
Select the 'Account upgrade receipt' and set the Registered user group to Yes.
Custom user fields
Create a Custom user field:
Field ID: company
Title: Company
Description: {leave blank}
Display location: Personal details
Display order: 1
Field type: Multi-line text box
Options page
Enter 'Logo' and 'Purchased from' details into the Options page.
You need to be registered to see the hidden links