XenForo AndyB Show map 1.8
A fully integrated map system based on threads.
(Example of Show map)
- Ability to show locations by descriptions.
- Links take you to thread that describing the location.
- All phrases start with showmap_ for your convenience.
Setup step 1:
- Download Andy-ShowMap-1.0.zip and unzip it.
- Copy the src/addons/Andy/ShowMap directory to your server.
- From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
Get your Google JavaScript API key using this link:
You need to be registered to see the hidden links
Update the Options page with your Google JavaScript API key.
Setup step 2:
Copy the crosshair.gif from the add-on directory to a directory of your choice, for example copy to the a /misc/ folder off the web root. Update the Options page with your crosshair.gif file location.
Setup step 3:
Using the 'Show map admin' link in the visitors tab, create a map configuration. The 'description' is used in the URL, so keep this name short and all lowercase.
Description - dealers
Detail - All motorcycle dealers and shops
Coordinates - 37.339386,-121.894956
Zoom - 6
Setup step 4:
Create a forum where you will have threads of a certain type. For example you would have a Motorcycle dealers forum. Each thread will represent a dealer which has information about that particular dealer.
Navigate to a thread and click the 'Show map data' link. Enter the description, for example 'dealer' and the map coordinates for this dealer. Each thread can have one or more descriptions, that way one map can show all the locations and another map can show jfor example only Honda dealers.
How to use:
Just add 'showmap' to your forum URL. Note a query string is required, this will be any of the 'description' fields entered in step 3. So for example you would add showmap?id=dealer to your forum URL.
You can create a Tab and use the link described above. Visitors will be able to click for example 'Dealer locations' to see on a map the locations of all the dealers on your forum.
Database modifications:
This add-on will create two tables in your database:
You need to be registered to see the hidden links