Download APK Editor Studio v1.7.0 for Linux
APK Editor Studio v1.7.0
APK Editor Studio is a powerful yet easy to use APK reverse-engineering tool. Extract, edit or replace APK resources, images and icons; add translations, create your own APK mod or learn its internal structure. Multiple handy tools will help you to easily change application icon, application title, automatically sign APK and install it on your device.List of changes:
- Added automatic Apktool updater.
- Added framework manager.
- Added global Find and Replace.
- Added code search case sensitivity option.
- Added code search by regular expression option.
- Added syntax definition downloader.
- Added ability to open resources in an external app.
- Added ability to disassemble only main DEX classes.
- Added ability to disassemble without debug info.
- Added progress indication for APK cloning.
- Added Android 13 support.
- Added Swedish translation.
- Updated default Apktool to 2.7.0.
- Updated Android SDK Build Tools to 33.0.1.
- Fixed error while saving the currently open resource.
Automatic Apktool Updater
As most of you know, APK Editor Studio is using Apktool under the hood – a great tool for (de)compiling APK files.APK Editor Studio and Apktool have different release cycles and frequency. Though APK Editor Studio is shipped with the latest Apktool version at the time of the release, it eventually becomes outdated, forcing users to manually download the new Apktool or wait for the APK Editor Studio update.
Starting from this release, it's no longer an issue. APK Editor Studio now automatically checks for Apktool updates and downloads the most recent supported version. This will drastically decrease the number of potential bugs and provide a much better user experience.
Global Find and Replace
Following the new search feature in the previous release, APK Editor Studio can now perform a global Find & Replace across all files in an APK. This will considerably facilitate the APK modification workflow and save a lot of users' time when it comes to bulk changes.

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