Download CS-Cart Youpi Theme v4.10.3 v4.10.4
Youpi is an innovative, premium template for CS-Cart
Youpi store is the second premium template from the Alexbranding team, created as technologically as possible for projects in which the owner expects the maximum return and is ready to use the most modern means of influencing the buyer.
Youpi is not just a template for CS-Cart, it is a whole software package that makes the platform (already powerful) as effective as possible in terms of sales, SEO, manufacturability and usability, information content and responsiveness on different devices, incl. mobile.
Basic concept of Yopi- the creation of a kind of hybrid online and offline store, in which the user receives high-quality advice and assistance in choosing the goods he needs (previously it was very difficult to do, but now it is a reality), the store maximally involves the user in the product lists due to an innovative system that allows showing information blocks (banners with various types of information) right among the product tiles. The design is made in such a way that the user is completely immersed in the choice of goods and nothing bothers him, but only helps. Then, after making an informed choice of products, the customer goes to the product card, where the store “loads” the customer with suitable products that complement his needs, maximizing your check. General benefits of the template:
Built on the latest e-commerce trends of the end of 2017 (everything is taken into account: from the widespread use of media (video clips can be used on all types of pages in the most unexpected places), to the most effective system of informing the buyer, encouraging him to make a purchase and increasing the average check)
Developed with the participation of specialists in the field of promotion and usability (only planning took about 3 months)
Takes into account the expanded needs of an advanced entrepreneur for a modest budget (a similar independent development of a similar visual and functionality will pull the budget from $ 10,000)
Installed very quickly, as a single complex (modular structure )
Built according to the CS-Cart development paradigm, the template is a child of the basic Responsive template, which does not limit the use of third-party modules and the development of your own (customizations). It is
maintained and developed by a team that has been on the CS-Cart development market for almost 10 years.
It is possible to expand with the Cross and Up package sell modules (modules that help sell more)
It is possible to quickly expand with an SEO package (from the template development team)
The total cost of the modules included in the delivery of the YOUPI complex is several times higher than its cost for the buyer (savings !!!)
Demo:You need to be registered to see the hidden links
You need to be registered to see the hidden links