xF2 in Credit [DohTheme] MaterialXen 2.3.5
Xenforo submitted a new resource:
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We are proud to launch our new xenForo Theme – MaterialXen! MaterialXen is a theme inspired by Google's MaterialYou design principles, whose purpose is to enhance legibility, be bold and intentional, and bring real-life movement and depth to the web.
A lot of essential features came with MaterialXen. We wanted to make sure every detail was perfect, so we integrated Advanced, Easily Customized style properties to give you the best UX.
It comes with three light color schemes and a dark version!
Material design is basically a result of Google’s set of guidelines for better designing, keeping in mind mobile users. It supports better browsing by enhancing the visual and motion experience. This theme is almost Material-based to make a better user experience.
RE-ME Framework Features List
You don’t just get a simple theme; you’ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. It’s your website; make it yours!
- Google Web font is easily configured.
- Node Background
- Avatar Shape
- Guest Message
- Text Logo
- Remove Sub-navigation row
- Collapsible Categories
- Sticky Category Strips
- Simplified Node Statics
- "New" Indicator Label
- Sidebar Position
- Sticky Sidebar
- Collapsible Sidebar
- Collapsible Sidebar Blocks
- Separate Sticky Threads
- Three Different Messages Layout
- First Post Unique Background
- Offline status indicator
- Collapsible User Extras
- Optional Glyphs (Navigation-Sidebar-Message ActionBar)
- Extra Footer is easily customized with 8 different widgets.
- And more......
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