Download EZhometech 12 CRACKED (IPTV PANEL)
iptv panel EZhometech 12.0.002n CRACKED
Debian 7/8 installieren minimal or ubuntu 14.04 64bit + Openssh Server
Putty command give you:
1. update the Linux package lists
apt-get update
apt-get install psmisc
apt-get upgrade
2. Installations Files Download
3. with WinSSP upload ezserver.tgz to /usr/local/bin/
cd /usr/local/bin/
tar -xzvf ezserver12_cracked.tgz
cd ezserver
chmod 777 *.sh
4. Please select one Network Interface (eth0, venet0: 0, ...)? normal = eth0
5. Please type new panel port no. (18000): zB 18799
6. Please type new http streaming port no. for players (8001): zB 8099
7. Do you want to setup auto_start mode? (y / n) and
auto_start mode is enabled ...
ezserver: no process found
Setup successfully ...
/usr/local/bin/ezserver # nohup: appending output to 'nohup.out' -> enter
11. reboot
12. http: // ip_or_hostname: port/admin/index.html (waiting pleas 2 minuts)
Login htaccess:
Username: root
Password: go-inside
Login Panel:
Username: root
Password: go-inside
1. User root pleas dont delete you can not add more user root !!! change password !!!
2. Channel 1 pleas dont delete this can't create new channels with funtionc add
3. Movie 1 pleas dont delete this can't create new channels with funtionc add
have nice day all of the world !!
tested with ubuntu 14.04 and working
Debian 7/8 installieren minimal or ubuntu 14.04 64bit + Openssh Server
Putty command give you:
1. update the Linux package lists
apt-get update
apt-get install psmisc
apt-get upgrade
2. Installations Files Download
3. with WinSSP upload ezserver.tgz to /usr/local/bin/
cd /usr/local/bin/
tar -xzvf ezserver12_cracked.tgz
cd ezserver
chmod 777 *.sh
4. Please select one Network Interface (eth0, venet0: 0, ...)? normal = eth0
5. Please type new panel port no. (18000): zB 18799
6. Please type new http streaming port no. for players (8001): zB 8099
7. Do you want to setup auto_start mode? (y / n) and
auto_start mode is enabled ...
ezserver: no process found
Setup successfully ...
/usr/local/bin/ezserver # nohup: appending output to 'nohup.out' -> enter
11. reboot
12. http: // ip_or_hostname: port/admin/index.html (waiting pleas 2 minuts)
Login htaccess:
Username: root
Password: go-inside
Login Panel:
Username: root
Password: go-inside
1. User root pleas dont delete you can not add more user root !!! change password !!!
2. Channel 1 pleas dont delete this can't create new channels with funtionc add
3. Movie 1 pleas dont delete this can't create new channels with funtionc add
have nice day all of the world !!
tested with ubuntu 14.04 and working