Dont know then on Xtream Ui i use it just askes for Mac Nr that all when you signt up with a provider do they give you /c/ link to enter on your Mag because that is what i give to my Clients when sign up
This is Copy & Paste from guy done it
I used Wireshark's search feature to search for 'device' in the bytes of the packets, and found a partial of an HTTP GET request (with my information stripped out here, of course) as follows:
GET /stalker_portal/server/load.php?type=stb&action=get_profile&hd=1&ver=ImageDescription: 0.2.18-r14-254;
ImageDate: Fri Jan 15 15:42:08 EET 2016; PORTAL version: 5.0.3; API Version: JS API version: 333; STB API version: 142;
Player Engine version: 0x579&num_banks=2&sn=SERIALNUMBERHERE&stb_type=MAG254&client_type=STB&image_version=218&video_out=hdmi
¬_valid_token=0&metrics={"mac":"MACHERE","sn":"SERIALHERE","type":"stb","model":"MAG254","uid":"UIDHERE(not needed to spoof)"}
&hw_version_2=HWVERSIONHERE(not needed to spoof)×tamp=1485995542&JsHttpRequest=1-xml HTTP/1.1
This is what provider asck for but i dont kow what the Box send out there must be de Id Device 13 data bites
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