Download IMplayer 3.6.4

A very nice IPTV player that supports M3U links, XC streams and stalker mag portals, I saw much versions that say it's premium, but they are not
This app looks much like Tivimate and as you know non premium Tivimate is not letting you add more than one list which is same as Implayer (unless someone finds a real premium version of Implayer) also Tivimate free version is not letting you to watch vod content while Implayer free version let you watch vod content (Series). and finally Tivimate free is not letting you assign favorits while this one does.
So as a conclusion this app is like you run Tivimate free version with a plus to can view and watch vod content (Series) and assign favorits.
(for who doesn't know, this is a player and is not including any content)
(Note) this app has one single Con, it's crashing if you try to open Movies vod , while series work all fine.