Info Interesting software to restream your iptv to a friend.
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I read on another site a post from a guy who has written a very interesting looking utility that allows you to restream your iptv device to a friend or a second box. I've not had chance to download it but will do when I can. He says it will run on docker which is what I will try. This is a copy and paste explaining what he's done.
IPTV StreamHub
A simple IPTV restream and synchronization (watch2gether) application with web frontend. Share your iptv playlist and watch it together with your friends.
Restreaming - Proxy your iptv streams through the backend.
Synchronization - The playback of the stream is perfectly synchronized for all viewers.
Channels - Add multiple iptv streams, you can switch between.
Live chat - chat with other viewers with randomized profile.
Use Cases
Connect with multiple Devices to 1 IPTV Stream, if your provider limits current devices.
Proxy all Requests through one IP. Helps with CORS issues.
Synchronize IPTV streaming with multiple devices: Synchronized playback and channel selection.
Share your iptv and watch together with your friends.
The actual iptv stream-url is unvisible to them if you restream
A simple webpage that can stream iptv streams in hls-format. Provides synchronized playback by using a constant delay. Also supports multiple IPTV streams (channel selection) and a chat if using together with the backend.
A simple NodeJ S web server that retrieves your IPTV stream, cache it, and converts it into an HLS stream, making it accessible via the web. Also supports multiple IPTV streams (channel selection).
Link below..
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IPTV StreamHub
A simple IPTV restream and synchronization (watch2gether) application with web frontend. Share your iptv playlist and watch it together with your friends.
Restreaming - Proxy your iptv streams through the backend.
Synchronization - The playback of the stream is perfectly synchronized for all viewers.
Channels - Add multiple iptv streams, you can switch between.
Live chat - chat with other viewers with randomized profile.
Use Cases
Connect with multiple Devices to 1 IPTV Stream, if your provider limits current devices.
Proxy all Requests through one IP. Helps with CORS issues.
Synchronize IPTV streaming with multiple devices: Synchronized playback and channel selection.
Share your iptv and watch together with your friends.
The actual iptv stream-url is unvisible to them if you restream
A simple webpage that can stream iptv streams in hls-format. Provides synchronized playback by using a constant delay. Also supports multiple IPTV streams (channel selection) and a chat if using together with the backend.
A simple NodeJ S web server that retrieves your IPTV stream, cache it, and converts it into an HLS stream, making it accessible via the web. Also supports multiple IPTV streams (channel selection).
Link below..
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