Download Lagom WHMCS theme Nulled v1.5.0
1. Upload the files
2. Install the RS-Themes addon (but do NOT go to its addon page. Just don't give permission to any user. Not even Administrator)
3. Activate the Theme by Editing Database. (go to your PHPmyadmin and from the "tblconfiguration" table, modify the templace as "lagom" and default cart as "lagom_cart").
Now there is a problem. As soon as you call the page of the RS theme once or save something in the general setting, the theme will be completely disabled until you activate a license key. So:
4. Delete all Themes / Ordering templates (except Lagom) via FTP (located in /templates and /templates/orderforms)
To change the theme layout and style, go to your PHPmyadmin, on table "rstheme_themes", change the values "active_style", "active_layout", "widgets_layouts" and "active_widgets_layouts"
Values (use only one and replace):
"active_style" = default, futuristic, depth
"active_layout" = default, condensed, condensed-banner, left-nav
"widgets_layouts" and "active_widgets_layouts" = Use the same value from "active_style".