Download Legazy APK for PHP Panel
Hello I have here to share the Legazy APK to be used with the panel I have shared before. (Legazy Mini Panel)
It is compatible and works.
In the link is the zip which includes:
1- Instructions txt file
2- Screenshots of the apk open to better show you where and what to update. These screenshots are explained in the instructions txt.
3- Legazy APK which Is the google playstore version.
All I want to do with my shares is to contribute to this forum and make it grow even more. I dont have interest in harming or insulting anyone here or anywhere.
Please check and decide on my post at your criteria.
With this said, enjoy my friends!
It is compatible and works.
In the link is the zip which includes:
1- Instructions txt file
2- Screenshots of the apk open to better show you where and what to update. These screenshots are explained in the instructions txt.
3- Legazy APK which Is the google playstore version.
All I want to do with my shares is to contribute to this forum and make it grow even more. I dont have interest in harming or insulting anyone here or anywhere.
Please check and decide on my post at your criteria.
With this said, enjoy my friends!
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