Download Maplesoft MapleSim v2020.1 x64
Furthermore, various options allow you to use the C code generation feature in Maple to create code libraries of your MapleSim models for implementation in other applications.
Features include:
-Maple templates, which provide an intuitive user interface for optimizing your MapleSim model, and then generate a dynamic-link library (.dll) file for LabVIEW or NI VeriStand.
-A range of examples illustrating how to prepare and export your models.
-Commands for developing VIs of mathematical models from first principles in the Maple environment and examples to illustrate how to do it.
-Access to commands in the LabVIEWConnector package in Maple for developing dynamic-link library (.dll) files for LabVIEW or NI VeriStand.
System requirements:
OS:Windows 7/8.1/10 (x64)
CPU:AMD X86_64 1 GHz Intel Xeon, Intel 64
Memory:4 GB
Space:4 GB
Updates:official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.
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