Download MonaServer
MonaServer starts with the idea that protocols essentially serve the same aims :
You can talk with the MonaServer Community on the
The following scheme is a little preview of what is possible with MonaServer
MonaServer starts with the idea that protocols essentially serve the same aims :
- pull data (request + response),
- push data (server -> client or client -> server),
- read/write file (VOD and RECORDING),
- AND communication channel between clients (P2P or publish/play live).
- The powerful LuaJIT compiler combined in a useful lua API to write server applications,
- NoSQL database management system,
- RTMFP Protocol, which provide P2P channels, UDP reliable and non-reliable communication and many other great features,
- And all of this developed keeping in mind the 5 following notions: speed, light weight, cross-platform, scalable and elegant C++11 code.
- HTTP (with JSON-RPC and XML-RPC), Websocket.
You can talk with the MonaServer Community on the
You need to be registered to see the hidden links
or report a bug on the
You need to be registered to see the hidden links
.The following scheme is a little preview of what is possible with MonaServer