Download Multicast to unicast proxy (DLNA)
- Converts multicast udp MPEG-TS streams into http unicast
- With UPnP server
- Console application with optional GUI

1. a
Run multicast2unicast.exe with no parameters to get help and then set appropriate parameters.
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1. b
Alternatively you can run Multicast2UnicastGUI.exe.
Press start and check for errors.
If no NICs are detected you must assign an ip (v4) address to both cards. If there are no errors, firewall popup window might appear. Make sure you grant acess to both networks.
One of the network interface cards might be recognised as a Public network !
3. a
Now you can play unicast stream with your favourite video player by providing address in a folowing format:http://ip.address.of.server
e.g. :
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If your favourite player is MulticastTV and you allready have playlist with direct multicast adresses e.g. udp://, you can append prefix to every item in a playlist:
This setting will add a
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prefix to every entry in a playlist.Vlc:

3. b
You can also use UPnP control point. Make sure that you have With UPnP server checked and a valid m3u playlist.Windows 7 Media Player:
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Netgem NetBOX:
You need to be registered to see the hidden links
DLNA server was tested only with:
- Windows 7 Media player
- Netbox Netgem
Multicast receiver uses Overlapped I/O udp sockets which may cause packet drops on older hardware or operating systems.
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