xF2 in Credit [Nulumia] Modern Gamer XF2 (10 Presets)
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- [Nulumia] Modern Gamer XF2 (10 Presets)![]()
- Fully Responsive – great on mobile and tablets
- Tested with the most popular Xenforo resources! A unique market feature, your style is already configured to look seamlessly compatible with many of the most widely used Xenforo mods
- Free slideshow system
- Professional footer layout builder — Up to 10 block locations, flexible columns and wide parallax rows!
- Full support for XenGallery & Resource Manager
- Full screen background wallpapers
- JQuery background slideshow – up to five wallpaper images!
- Easy to change color palette
- Google fonts
- Set sidebar to left, right, or disabled
- Full FontAwesome integration
- Logo Photoshop PSD
- Comprehensive documentation
- Dozens of additional settings
- Includes 10 Presets!
Modern Gamer was built with customization in mind. Using the included settings, you can change the theme to fit any color, game theme and more to make your community feel right at home. Unlike some themes, Modern Gamer isn’t locked down to what you see in the screenshots. While Modern Gamer by default comes in its Classic Green, you can use Xenforo’s Color Palette feature to use any color imaginable!
What’s more, you can take full advantage of the comprehensive style settings to change other features as well. Looking for a Call of Duty template? Add an amazing full-screen wallpaper, add custom node image banners, and change your color palette. Looking for a full-screen MOBA game portal? Set your theme to full-width mode in one click, and edit all the style settings as needed! You can create a theme for any game or genre — from the latest FPS, sports game, MOBA, RTS and more. Modern Gamer gives you the tools — you use your imagination.
Yes, that’s right. Not only does Modern Gamer give you the potential to create any style of theme you wish, but you get INCLUDED ten different starter presets to get you moving! Don’t want to mess with editing style settings? No worries. Check out the presets below – each was made using Modern Gamer’s built in customization settings!
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