Download openflixr 2
OpenFLIXR Media Server is a full-fledged all-in-one media server that can handle the videos, images, and audios. You can install it on any virtual machine like VirtualBox, VMware, ESXi, Parallels Desktop, KVM or Microsoft Hyper-V. It brings some well-known open-source project together such as CouchPotato, SickRage, Headphones, and SABnzbd. Completely web-based and includes monitoring and management tools. It also features Plex Media Server as well as torrent. Install it on VirtualBox
Follow these simple steps to get your own OpenFLIXR up and running!
1. Install Virtualbox or use your own favorite hypervisor
2. Download OpenFLIXR, import in hypervisor, power on and let it sit there for ~15 minutes
3. Go to
You need to be registered to see the hidden links
(see console) to update OpenFLIXR [ sudo updateopenflixr ]4. Go to
You need to be registered to see the hidden links
(see console) to setup OpenFLIXR [ sudo setupopenflixr ]Do not skip these steps!
Setup wizard will take care of the following
Change your password
Configure network
Setup Let’s Encrypt
Randomize unique keys
Setup Newznab and Usenet
Configure advanced features