Download Slyk EPG 7 day downloader for Slyk Skin version 2.02
Slyk EPG 7 day downloader for Slyk Skin version 2.02 - 22.11.2020 - Plugin to download official Sky UK EPG via your enigma2 box using epg importer. How to use: The program uses Sat 28.2e lamedb file to get the service refs for the downloaded EPG data. I highly recommend you do a satellite scan to get an up to date lamedb file first. UK Sat --> openatv - menu/setup/service searching/manual scan/type of scan - single satellite 28.2e or Auto Bouquets - select your region in HD and do a scan. or you can now also use the latest version of e-channelizer - Download and install the IPK and Reboot gui. - Run the slykepg7day plugin which can be found in the plugins menu or in the same menu you find epgimporter (varies per box) Set the auto update time to be about 10 mins before your epgimporter automatic update. Use a random time and not 7am or 8am etc. - Select the number of days you want. 1 to 7. - Press green to save your settings. Press Yellow to start download. - Go into epgimporter plugin. Unselect all Rytec UK sources. Select SlykEPG7day. Save. Run manual scan. Should get about 100000-170000 events. Check your EPG either via epg guide or channel select or any of the other EPGs we now have. - If its taking longer than 5 mins and your box seems unresponsive. The plugin has probably crashed. On a fast box it should take about 1m 30s to 2mins. Depending on the speed of your internet. I have not tested it on a slow box. You will need to turn your box off and on to get out of it. - V2.02 Should now be python 3 compatible - correct file structure - Thanks KiddaC
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