Tutorial StreamingRiverIPTV OTT
StreamingRiverIPTV OTT solution for smal internet service providers who wants start iptv service
Some Streaming River IPTV OTT solution features
Easy SSL install
Token based user authentification
We respect Firewall and SELinux
Easy to use
Simple and nice GUI
Modular Frontend
Easy extendable GUI with your own modules
Its Self-Hosted and opensource
Build on opensource technologies
Streaming River Install
To start your service, all you need is fresh CentOS 7 server / virtual machine with unmetered bandwith .We highly recommend dont try run server bootstrap scripts on your existing server or VPS.To install this solution on Fresh Centos 7 server or virtual machine run following server bootstrap command as root:
Some Streaming River IPTV OTT solution features
Easy SSL install
Token based user authentification
We respect Firewall and SELinux
Easy to use
Simple and nice GUI
Modular Frontend
Easy extendable GUI with your own modules
Its Self-Hosted and opensource
Build on opensource technologies
Streaming River Install
To start your service, all you need is fresh CentOS 7 server / virtual machine with unmetered bandwith .We highly recommend dont try run server bootstrap scripts on your existing server or VPS.To install this solution on Fresh Centos 7 server or virtual machine run following server bootstrap command as root: