Download TV Spielfilm online plugin Experimental update v1.0.3A
TV Spielfilm online plugin Experimental update v1.0.3A (*.ipk) - 31.01.2021 - Formatting options for "Today on TV" (column height / indentation, different font size, fading out primetime info) - Previous updates: - Corrected sender import (protocol, recognition specification file / s, debug file for determining the sender abbreviation) - Custom main menu - Scroll bars for TV-Now / 20:15 / 22:00 / Tips / New - Tips filter through bouquet buttons (Now / 20:15 / 22:00) - Some of the options have to be activated in the configuration of the fix plugin. - The original plug-in TV movie v6.6 rv4 is required. The installation of the original plug-in remains unaffected. Thanks Oberhesse
TV Spielfilm online plugin 1.0.3 all (*.ipk) - 31.01.2021 - Corrections / enhancements (since v1.0.2): - Fixed timing problem at system start (time-delayed initialization) - Additional option "Evening tips" for user-defined main menu (switch between sortings using the bouquet button) - Self-deactivation in the event of a start error (can be reactivated using a fixed configuration)
TV Spielfilm online plugin 1.0.3 all (*.ipk) - 31.01.2021 - Corrections / enhancements (since v1.0.2): - Fixed timing problem at system start (time-delayed initialization) - Additional option "Evening tips" for user-defined main menu (switch between sortings using the bouquet button) - Self-deactivation in the event of a start error (can be reactivated using a fixed configuration)
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