Download WGS Linode Manager Module v2.0.2
Module Overview
Linode is the largest and independent Cloud VPS server provider that started in 2003 i.e. 3 years before the AWS. In case you are looking to resell Linode Servers to your clients via WHMCS, then this is the module you need to have in your WHMCS website. Our WHMCS Linode Server Manager Module allows WHMCS admins to resell Linode Cloud Servers to their clients via their WHMCS Client Area. Clients can also manage their complete server options from the WHMCS client area, which means they do not need to login to the Linode account to manage them.
WHMCS Admin can resell all the Cloud Server Plans of Linode which includes:
Server options that your clients can manage:
- Nanode
- Standard Plan
- Dedicated CPU
- High Memory
Clients Can View Server Information
- Reboot Server
- Server Power On/OFF
- Manage Server Backups
- Create/Manage Server Snapshots
- Check Disk Storage
- Check CPU Usage
- Check IPv4, IPv6 Traffic
- Check Disk IO Data
- Reset Root Password
- Rebuild OS/Server
- Manage IP (Add Private/Public IP’s)
- Check Server Activity Logs
- Manage RDNS
Your clients can view all the server information like Server Name, OS, Server Region, Server Status
Clients Can View Disk Usage
User can see live real data of their server like total disk assigned , total data used and free disk space so it’s very useful for client to watch how much data they have consumed.
Clients can Power Options
User will have a great UI feature to reboot the server , power on , power off and reinstall operating system which does not require any server admin knowledge.
Clients Can Rebuild OS
Clients can easily rebuild Operating system of the server from the WHMCS Client Area.
Clients Can Check CPU Usage, Disk IO, IPv4, IPv6 Traffic
Clients can easily check CPU Usage, Disk IO, IPv6, IPv4 in a graphical view
Clients Can Create/Manage Server Snapshots
Clients can easily take server snapshots and create server backups when they want.
Clients Can Manage RDNS
Clients can easily rename the RDNS from the WHMCS client area.
Clients Orderform View
Here is how your clients can order the Linode Server from the WHMCS Client area.
Clients can automatically configure new Linode instances using Stackscripts
Your clients can now get an option to auto-install Linode instances using Linode Stack Scripts.
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