Download WHMCS Cleaner v2.0.1 OPEN SOURCE CODE
Most people has a set system of when orders are cancelled, when they delete fraud orders, when log entries are pruned, etc. The tasks can now be performed by just telling the module how old the items need to be before working on them.
The module deals with multiple different areas of the system from core server APC cache (when enabled) flushing, through to auto cancelling orders, pruning old attachments, pruning old activity log entries, to Optimizing the database tables and emptying the template cache. Below are the full features:
Accept pending paid (or free) orders
Cancel Orders after a period of time without payment
Delete Cancelled Orders after a period of time
Delete Fraud Marked Orders after a period of time
Cancel Unpaid Invoices after a period of time since due date
Empty Gateway Log entries older older than ?? days
Empty Module Log entries older older than ?? days
Empty Activity Log entries older older than ?? days
Empty Admin Log entries older older than ?? days
Empty Ticket Mail Import Log entries older older than ?? days
Empty Whois Log entries older older than ?? days
Empty Saved Emails older older than ?? days
Empty Attachments older older than ?? days (includes removing from the file system where possible)
Empty Template cache every ?? days
Empty APC Cache every ?? days (APC is a server/php caching system which may not be enabled on your system, setting only shown if available)
Trim error_log file in root directory to ?? lines long (always leaves the last lines in the log, some servers have a different file for the log and there is a setting which allows you to set the location/name of the log file)
Optimize all database tables on every cleanup
Ability to set the cleanup on cronjob, and/or run manually
- WHMCS v7.8.3 support