Download WHMCS v7.10.0 - Web Hosting Billing & Automation Platform 7.10.0
Release Notes
Registrar TLD & Pricing Sync
Import TLDs from your domain registrar for faster initial setup of TLDs and verification of prices. Perform a synchronization at any time to easily review and compare your current selling prices with cost prices from your registrar, as well as view and import TLDs that you are not currently selling. Sync options include automatically applying either a percentage or fixed monetary amount based markup with optional rounding to a number of your choice. Initial support includes Enom and all Logicboxes powered registrars, and developer documentation has been made available for integration into 3rd party and custom registrar modules.
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Cron Task Reporting
Get deeper insights into the actions and events that occur during automated cron tasks to give you a more complete picture of what's happened, and provide a faster and more convenient way to resolve things when they go wrong. New datapoints include information such as the invoices that are generated, invoices that have been attempted for capture, services that have been suspended or terminated and more. In the case of actions which involve communication with remote systems, the recorded data will indicate the success or failure of the action, and in the case of errors, provide the error message and direct shortcuts to allow you to easily resolve and retry the action.
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Knowledgebase Image Upload
Create rich and engaging knowledgebase articles with image upload functionality built directly into the article editor experience. Allows for uploading and re-use of recently uploaded images across multiple articles for added convenience.
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Client Email Preferences
A new email preferences option in client profiles allows customers to choose the types of emails they wish to receive, enabling them to reduce noise and make better use of contacts and sub-accounts. Email preferences can be customised by customers themselves via the client area, or by admin level users, and more contextual and informative notification options make it easier for both clients and contacts to understand the email related settings.
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Assigned User Ticket Filter
A new filter option has been made available in Support Tickets that allows you to filter tickets by assigned admin user.
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Update Service Ticket Association
Admin users can now set or alter the service associated with a support ticket. This new functionality allows admin users to modify (or in cases where none is selected by the customer, set) a related service, addon or domain for a support ticket.
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MarketConnect: MarketGoo SEO
Marketgoo is a self-service SEO tool which scans customers websites and gives them a simple report with easy to follow steps and recommendations to improve the search engine ranking of their website.
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MarketConnect: Weebly Free Plan
We are pleased to announce the introduction of the Weebly Free Plan to MarketConnect. The new Free plan replaces Lite, and is designed to provide customers a free and easy way to get started with an online web presence. Available to all, and available to bundle by default with new hosting purchases, Weebly Free makes it easier for anyone to build a website, without any technical knowledge required.
Digicert Premium Certificates
DigiCert is discontinuing the sale of Symantec branded SSL Certificates. New DigiCert SSL Certificates have been launched that are a direct replacement for the previous Symantec SSL Certificates. On upgrade to WHMCS 7.10 if you have Symantec certificate selling enabled, all Symantec certificates will be replaced with their new DigiCert equivalents.
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Single Sign-On Tokens
Single Sign-On tokens can now be generated for clients and sub-accounts using the API. The new CreateSsoToken API is a powerful yet simple mechanism for getting OAuth access tokens with automatic endpoint redirection.
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Deprecation & Removal Notices
During the v7.10.0 update, a one-time routine will inspect and attempt to remove the following modules due to discontinued service by the service provider. Removal will only occur if the module is not actively in use. The Activity Log will have a list of any removals. As well, if removal is not performed and the module remains in your installation, an email will be generated to all full admins so that further investigation can be performed. An inspection will be performed for the following modules:
- Gateways - Kuveytturk
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client login feature is now deprecated. The
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is a more robust and simpler mechanism for directing users from one authenticated system to a mapped client account within your WHMCS. AutoAuth will be completely removed from WHMCS no later than v8.1.Library Updates
The following libraries have been updated or removed:
- authorizenet/authorizenet: 1.9.6 to 1.9.7
The following new documentation pages are available:
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For a list of changed files and a graphical view of the exact changes, please refer to the Github repo's below.
Six Template
The following link provides a comparison of changes between 7.9.2 and 7.10:
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Standard Cart Order Form
The following link provides a comparison of changes between 7.9.2 and 7.10:
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