Download WSE Manager Control Panel for Wowza Streaming Engine Nulled 1.2.5v
Recommended: Debian Server, Ubuntu Server or Centos Server.
Cpanel: It’s not mandatory, but if have it in your server the WSE will function as a normal hosting account.
Think of the WSE Manager as a normal website, it won’t take a lot of your server resources. The media server for example, Wowza Streaming Engine, is what is going to take most of the resources of your servers depending on the demand of clients in your applications and consequently: CPU, disc space and the most important RAM Memory.
DC: Softlayer
Xeon 2620 or better.
DC: iWeb
Intel® Xeon® E3.x , Intel® Xeon® E5.x or better.
DC : Amazon
Types: C3 and C4 are good performance options. The ideal is to start with minimum instances and to adjusting depending on your need of performance and of course on your budget. Remember that amazon charges by $/hour and other services as disc space and traffic.
PS: This are only suggestions. Consult a salesman available in your data centre and ask him to make his best offer to you.
Minimum Requirements
This is the software requirements needed in your server to run WSE:
- PHP 5.5x + Curl + GD + JSON + Ioncube + MySQLi
- MySQL v5.0 – v5.5
- ffmpeg
- unzip
- vnstat
You need to be registered to see the hidden links
NB: Not Nulled by me , its from 2016 when wowza 4.7 was longed . now support to this software also closed . if some one can find a way install this without error pls share on group same
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