Download XCIPTV 3.2.2 (518) with VPN (Sky Tv) hardcoded.
Icons and backgrounds changed
This app is simply called YourServiceName
To change this go to
res/values/strings.xml and change on line 076
To change the DNS go to
smali/com/nathnetwork/xciptv/loginactivity.smali and change on line 855
To change the red boxes to your actual service logo go to
simple edit/images and change all red boxes to your service logo.
If you don't want a service logo replace red boxes with a transparent image.
To add a VPN, firstly get a config file from your VPN account (this will then need hosting)
and your VPN login username and password credentials (usually different to your actual login to account details)
then go to activity_openvpn.xml
add your config file host URL to line 12
add your VPN username credentials to line 16
add your VPN password credentials to line 20
Special thanks to Dougalbug34 for his help with this app
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