xF2 in Credit XenCentral Feedback System 2 2.3.5
Eldorado submitted a new resource:
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- XenCentral Feedback System 2 2.3.2XenCentral Feedback System 2 is a fully-featured feedback system for XenForo 2 that allows your users to give positive, negative, neutral feedback to each other, specify deal threads, see other users trade rating. The add-on creates a separate section in your forum with full feedback data, top rated and untrusted traders list, and integrates users ratings to other XenForo sections (threads, member profile, visitor panel).
Features Overview
Live Demo -
- Dedicated feedback page for all feedback data.
- Positive, negative, neutral feedback, user's total rating.
- Feedback as buyer, seller, trader.
- Users feedback profile with feedback left for and left by user.
- Feedback comments system.
- Deal URL options to allow users to specify deal URL and deal thread.
- Deal thread forums, valid deal URL checking options (starter check, board URL check, unique deal URL check).
- Deal thread AJAX suggestion.
- Feedback submission from user's feedback profile and from thread.
- Tabbed home page with latest feedback, top trusted and untrusted traders, latest activity sections.
- Latest feedback on home page via AJAX.
- Latest activity on home page via AJAX.
- Latest activity filtering by type and user.
- Sidebars with latest feedback, top trusted and untrusted traders sections.
- Latest feedback and feedback stats in member profile.
- Detailed feedback stats in posts, conversations and visitor panel (positive/negative/neutral).
- XenForo Resource Manager and Media Gallery deal URL and deal thread support.
- Feedback reporting and moderation.
- Board Feedback Statistics page for detailed board statistics.
- User Preferences page for feedback preferences.
- Admin email, PM, alert notifications. Instant, hourly, daily, weekly notifications.
- User email, PM, alert notifications. Instant, hourly, daily, weekly notifications.
- Default users notifications setup in admin panel.
- Feedback submission restriction for users with no feedback.
- Unique rating option to calculate rating per unique user.
- Feedback edit time limit, duplicate time limit, maximum feedback per hour options.
- Comment form enable/disable, require comment, comment minimum length options.
- Separate admin panel section.
- User group permissions - view feedback pages, give feedback, receive feedback, be invisible from latest activity, moderators permissions.
- Users rating update tool.
- Importers from Feedback System 1.x, vBulletin iTrader, Photopost Classifieds Feedback, MyBB Reputations, XenTrader 2.x, Trader (XenForo 1.x).
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Forums running Feedback System 2.x
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You need to be registered to see the hidden links
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