Download Xenica v3.2 - Xenserver/XCP-ng management module whmcs nulled
Xenica Module is WHMCS addon designed to work as a XenServers Control Panel , which give your WHMCS clients a simple panel to control their own VMs , and give you the full control of your VMs list .
Here are the list of the features supported by the module
General features
Easy VM Provision with wide range of OSs (CentOs, Debian, ubuntu and windows server)
Full VM control
Full VM info
Support latest XenServer Version
Support latest WHMCS version
Support PHP7
Auto assign IP addresses on new orders
Support VM multiple IPs
Bandwidth Billing
Support Debug mode and whmcs module logging
Useful and clear wiki documentation
Full utilization of XenAPI which results in :
More Security : no extra services running on Xen machine
Lightweight on the server
More stability : stability of the module is the same as XenApi stability
Clients Panel :
Show VM info (Host,IP, Password, Registration Date, Bandwidth Usage, etc.. )
Detect VM current power state (Running, Halted, Paused)
Basic VM Control (Boot, Shutdown, Reboot)
VM Change Root Password (clients can reset their VMs password)
VM ReInstall (can select OS from allowed templates list)
VM SnapShots (list, create, delete)
VM Console (noVNC console page for Linux/Windows, still work even if SSH is off)
VM Graph/Stats (statistics graph for HD,Net,CPUs,RAM Usage)
VM mount CD (can mount an ISO file from Server Storage Repository)
Admins Panel :
Product/service Panel:
Login as user (user side panel)
Show VM Full info (Host,IP, Password, Bandwidth Usage,Home Server, Resources etc.. )
VM Full control (Crate, suspend, Terminate, reboot, pause, shutdown,reset bandwidth )
VM reinstall
VM change root password
VM Console
VM change CPUs
VM change RAM size
VM change Disk size
VM run boot commands (run commands as root on the next vm startup)
VM SnapShots
VM Mount CD
VM change Host name
Show VM Graph/Stats
Show full vm record data (Xen API)
Show last vm 5 commands log
Xenica VMsList
List Xenica VMs Details from WHMCS db (name, user, regdate, domain, IP, server, status , notes ..)
Search for any vm depends on any field
Filter vms by status
Xenica Servers List
List Xen Servers from WHMCS db
Show Server VMs count and list server VMs
List server os templates
List Server VMs that is not added to whmcs DB
List whmcs VMs that is not exist on Xen Server
Xenica Users List
List Xenica Users from WHMCS db
Search for any user
Filter users by VM status
List User Active VMs
Xenica IP Manger
List and Add/modify IPs
Search IPs
Separate IPs in groups (by Datacenter/NOC)
Show available/assigned IPs
Show allocated vm for each IP
List All IPs for certain user
Add Range of IPs
Client panel pages are templates that can be modified as files if needed
Client panel support multilingual (translations can be added)
You need to be registered to see the hidden links